Sunday, February 22, 2009

Virtual Tour TPACKage

What is the content you’ll be using in your lesson?
- For this lesson I will be using Google earth to show children some major historical and current American sites. Each site has different significance to American and its history. This lesson ties to Standard 1 -Students will interpret the role of geography in shaping United States history Objective 2 - Utilize geographic skills as they relate to the study of the United States. This has students making a connection between historic geography and current geography.
What is the pedagogy you’ll be using and why is it a good fit with the content?
- I will conduct this lesson with my class by starting the lesson with a discussion about the history of America. When settlers first came here they came on the east because that was the closest harbor. We will discuss how most major political locations are on the east coast. Then I will show the tour of the historical national sites.
What is the technology you’ll be using and why is it a good fit with the content and pedagogy?
- I will be using a virtual tour on GoogleEarth for this lesson. This will fit the pedagogy because I will teach students about some brief history and then I will use the tour to connect their knowledge.

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